Image Processing Function |
Standard |
Professional |
Add alpha channel information to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Add noise to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Adjust HSL |
Yes |
Yes |
Adjust RGB |
Yes |
Yes |
Adjust the brightness of an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Adjust the contrast of an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a mosaic effect to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a motion blur effect to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a parabolic transform to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a perspective transform to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a pinch effect to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a polynomial warp transform to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a ripple effect to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a swirl effect to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Apply a twist effect to an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Auto-binarize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Automatically adjust the contrast of an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Automatically crop an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Change the color depth of an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Binarize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Blend an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Blur an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Buttonize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Count the number of times a particular color appears within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Count the number of unique colors within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Crop an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Crop the borders of an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Delete the active region |
Yes |
Yes |
Deskew an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Diffuse an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Emboss an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Equalize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Fill the alpha channel with a particular byte value |
Yes |
Yes |
Flatten the alpha channel into the image |
Yes |
Yes |
Flip an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Gamma correct an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Get histogram counts of all the red green and blue shades within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Get the alpha value for a particular pixel |
Yes |
Yes |
Invert the alpha channel data |
Yes |
Yes |
Join separate colors stored in different image objects into a single image |
Yes |
Yes |
Merge two images together |
Yes |
Yes |
Mirror an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Negate the colors within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Outline the edges within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Posterize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Remove the alpha channel from an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Replace colors within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Resize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Return the alpha channel data within an image as a bitmap |
Yes |
Yes |
Rotate an image by an arbitrary angle |
Yes |
Yes |
Separate the colors of an image into separate images |
Yes |
Yes |
Set the active area within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Set the active region within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Set the alpha value for a particular pixel |
Yes |
Yes |
Sharpen an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Soften an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Solarize an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Tile an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Transform an image using a 3x3 matrix |
Yes |
Yes |
Use a median filter to reduce noise within an image |
Yes |
Yes |
Adjust the color balance |
- |
Yes |
Adjust the lightness of an image |
- |
Yes |
Automatically adjust the color balance |
- |
Yes |
Automatically adjust the color balance of an image |
- |
Yes |
Automatically adjust the lightness of an image |
- |
Yes |
Automatically level an image |
- |
Yes |
Automatically remove redeye within an image |
- |
Yes |
Crop the borders of a document |
- |
Yes |
Deskew a document |
- |
Yes |
Despeckle a document |
- |
Yes |
Despeckle an image |
- |
Yes |
Detect a blank page for a document |
- |
Yes |
Dilate a document |
- |
Yes |
Dilate an image |
- |
Yes |
Erode a document |
- |
Yes |
Erode an image |
- |
Yes |
Process IPTC metadata |
- |
Yes |
Process Tags for TIFF, CALS, and MODCA images |
- |
Yes |
Reduce a grayscale image down to 8 bits per pixel |
- |
Yes |
Reduce a grayscale image down to 8 bits per pixel according to the DICOM spec |
- |
Yes |
Remove a line from a document |
- |
Yes |
Remove blobs from a document |
- |
Yes |
Remove dust from an image |
- |
Yes |
Remove redeye from an image |
- |
Yes |
Remove scratches from an image |
- |
Yes |
Resize a black and white image to a grayscale image |
- |
Yes |
Shear a document |
- |
Yes |
Smoothly double the size of a document via a smooth zoom operation |
- |
Yes |
Unsharpen an image |
- |
Yes |
Use Color Management in the loading, previewing, printing, and saving of images |
- |
Yes |